Allowing SQL Server Connection From Network

Upon database modeling with the ORM feature, you always need to connect to the server. However, you may encounter problem in connecting to the SQL server, which is great obstruction to your modeling. In this article, we will provide ways to help you to check whether your configurations for connecting to SQL Server are correct.
There are three significant aspects that uses may neglect, leading the failure of the connection to the SQL Server.

Server Settings

Enable TCP/IP

  1. Open your SQL Server Configuration Manager.
    open sql config manager
  2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration and select Protocols for SQLEXPRESS.
    sql network config express
  3. Take a look at TCP/IP, which requires to be Enabled. If yours is Disabled, right-click on it and select Enable in the popup menu.
    enable tcp ip
  4. Also, you may take a look at the Port setting of your server. Right-click on TCP/IP and select Properties in the popup menu.
    right click tcp ip properties
  5. Click the IP Address tab in the TCP/IP Properties dialog box.
    click ip address tab
  6. Under IPAll section, you can see the TCP Port (default: 1433) and you can edit the port of your server.
    tcp port

Correct Hostname and Port

Back to your VP application, have a check in your database configuration and see if you have entered the Hostname and Port correctly.
  1. Select Tools > Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) > Database Configuration in the VP application.
    tool orm db config
  2. Select the Language, server and the driver in the Database Configuration dialog box.
    select lang server driver
  3. Enter Hostname, which must be either the IP address of your computer or your computer name.
    db config hostname
  4. Enter the port of your SQL Server. It's 1433 by default, but if you have edited the port for your SQL Server or running on other named instance, you need to enter the corresponding port.
    db config port

Allow Remote Connection

Your need to make sure that remote connection to your SQL Server is enabled.
  1. Startup your SQL Server.
    start sql server
  2. Right-click on the server and select Properties in the popup menu.
    right click sql server properties
  3. In the Server Properties dialog box, select Connections.
    select connection
  4. Check the checkbox of Allow remote connections to this server.
    check allow remote connection

Diagnosis of Connection in Command Line

You can diagnose whether your SQL Server is in-use by the command line. For Windows Vista, Telnet is not installed by default, you need to install it before running the telnet command.

Install Telnet Client in Windows Vista

  1. Open Control Panel from the Start Menu.
    control panel
  2. Select Programs in the Control Panel.
    select programs
  3. Under Programs and Features, select Turn Windows features on or off.
    select turn on off win features
  4. Scroll down to find the option Telnet Client, check this option and press OK.
    select telnet client

Run Telnet Command

  1. Shutdown your SQL Server first and launch the command prompt.
  2. Enter telnet %host% %port% in the command prompt, where %host% and %port% are the host and port of your SQL Server.
    enter telnet msg in command
  3. Press Enter to see if it can call the SQL Server. If telnet can communicate with the host and port you specified, it will show a blank dialog box. This means your SQL Server is able to be connected.
    telnet succeed connect to sql
    If it fails to connect to your SQL Server, there will be message of the failure.
    telnet cannot connect to sql

Authentication Method

Make sure that you are using the appropriate authentication method in connecting to your SQL Server.
  1. Startup your SQL Server.
    start sql server
  2. Right-click on the server and select Properties in the popup menu.
    right click sql server properties
  3. In the Server Properties dialog box, select Security.
    select security
  4. Normally, the Server Authentication is set to SQL Server and Windows Authentication Method.
    select sql and win auth
  5. If you are using the Windows Authentication Method, you will need another connection URL in order to connect to the SQL Server.
    • Java (SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Driver)
    • Java (jDTS)
      where = sqlserver
      ** Domain Server is required. If no domain server is available, please try domain=workgroup
    • .NET:
      Server=%HOST%,%PORT%;Database=%DATABASE%;User ID=%USER_ID%;Password=%PASSWD%;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Domain=%WINDOW_DOMAIN%
  6. Get back to the VP application and enter the URL in the Connection String section in the Database Configuration dialog box.
    enter url in connection string

Adapter File

While you are using can non-compatible adapter file, you will not be able to connect to the server.
The simplest way to get the compatible adapter file is let our application download it for you:
  1. Select Tools > Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) > Database Configuration.
    tool orm db config
  2. After you have chosen the language, server and driver, click the Download and Update button beside the Adapter file field.
    dl adapter file
  3. VP will download the adapter file for you.
    adapter file downloaded
If your still fail to connect to SQL server with all the above steps of checking, please contact for technical suppot.

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