Merancang Using Photoshop

Merancang Using Photoshop

Merancang Website ( Full Abis )

Aloha, nah lu yang masih pada bingung dan suka ngontak2 gue via YM tentang cara bikin web dari awal perancangan ampe dipublish di internet...niiii buat lu semua...Selamet menikmati deeee....

Tapi inget ni langkahnya mayan panjang, jadi lu mesti ngerjain syarat2nya dulu

1. Ga mandi 2 hari 2 malem
2. Bikin kopi 2 sachet ABC Mocca
3. Rokok 1 bungkus kayaknya cukup dee ...
4. Matiin HP lu, biar cewe nyebelin lu ga usah ganggu2 lu dulu
5. Yang paling penting, Puter Musik kebanggan lu...sekeras2nya ampe tetangga lu pada marah2 hahahahahaha...

--> The Misfits : Dig Up Her Bones
--> Danzig : Mother, Am I Demo
--> Sex Pistols : BODIES

Hehehekk....syarat diatas terbukti mampu menyembuhkan penyakit malas dan bingung....jadi lu cobain deeehh...

Langkah Perancangan Layout

Bikin bagian Bar Amplifier (Header)...

1. Bikin dokumen baru 760 x 500 pixels
2. Dengan Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) bikin bidang untuk body layout dasarnya, dan satu bidang lagi untuk headernya, radius 4 pixels. Ukurannya lu kira2 aja deeehh sama ukuran canvas.

3. Lu kasi sedikit stroke untuk body dan untuk headernya kasi style dibawah ini:

Stroke 1 pixel warna #000000

4. Lanjut ke membuat bidang mirip bar amlifier... bikin bidang dengan Rounded Rectangle Tool juga, radius = 4 px, tepat diatas bidang header, dengan warna forground putih. Ukurannya lebih kecil dikit dari headernya, ubah nama layernya "bar ampi".

Kalo style sebelumnya masih di Applay, lu clear dulu deh stylenya..masih inget kan caranya..klik kanan di layernya dan pilih Clear Layer Style. Jadi nanti warna path layout bar ampi akan kembali menjadi putih (warna foruground)

5. Nah sekarang pilih Path Selection Tool (A), klik 2 kali pada bidang layer "bar ampi" agar muncul titik pathnya.

6. Pilih tool Delete Anchor Point Tool dan klik pada titik - titik path layout yang ditandai warna merah berikut. Tool ini berfungsi untuk menghilangkan titik path. Jangan kaget dulu kalo tampilan layoutnya berubah menjadi miring.

7. Lanjut pilih Add Anchor Point Tool , klik pada titik tanda merah berikut. Untuk menambahkan titik path layout.

8. Pada titik nomor 1 tarik titiknya ke arah kanan bawah seperti gambar dibawah. Baru lu gunakan Convert Point Tool untuk mengedit (mengkonvert) titik path nomor 1 tadi. Ikuti arah panah untuk mengedit titik point nomor 1.

Kalo posisi titik satu yang udah di tarik tadi masih kurang ngepas, lu bisa geser lagi ke kiri. Jadi biar lengkungan di atasnya agak lebar.

9. Nah sekarang perhatikan titik 2. Dengan Convert Point Tool, klik pada titik path nomor 2 diatas, abis ntu tarik garis horizontal pathnya pada bagian yang ditanda merah ke kanan .

Titik 2

10. Pada bagian ujung kanan layout bar ampi ini, lu bisa rapiin posisinya, dengan teknik yang sama dengan langkah nomor 9 diatas.

11. Oke langkah untuk mengedit Path Layout Bar Ampi sudah selesai, tinggal lu poles aja deee...

Lu kasi style deeh.


How to Add Audio to Flash (MX & Flash 8)

How to Add Audio to Flash (MX & Flash 8)

Before you even think about adding audio to Flash, you should spend a significant amount of time recording, editing and optimizing your audio in a separate audio program. Flash is not an audio editor.

One other thing: For the purposes of this project, I'm assuming your audio clip is saved in the MP3 format (.mp3). This tutorial will only work with MP3 sound clips.

With these caveats out of the way, let's get to it!

  1. Import your audio clip into Flash by going to File > Import > Import to Library.

  2. In the box that pops up, navigate to the folder containing your audio clip, click on your audio file and then click the Import to Library button.

  3. Your audio clip will be imported into the Flash library. This process can take a while if your clip is long.

  4. When the audio clip has fully imported, confirm that it is in the library.

  5. Go to Window > Development Panels > Components (in some versions of Flash you should go to Window > Components). Look for the Media Components section. Under this section, click once on the MediaPlayback component and drag an instance of this component to the stage. (Note: I'm assuming you have already determined where you want your audio clip to appear within your Flash project; if you haven't, you should go back and build your layers, keyframes and frame labels).

  6. Click on the MediaPlayback component on the stage. In the Properties box, look for the "Instance Name" text area. You should type in a relevant name in this box ("Audio" is a good one).

  7. In the properties box, click on the Parameters tab. Then click the Launch Component Inspector button.

  8. A window will pop up. You should select the following options in this window:

    • URL: This is an important one. Type the exact file name for your audio clip in this box. If you used capitilzation in the file name, use the same capitalization in the name you insert into the URL area. Your file name should have the extension .mp3 (example: roar.mp3).

    • Automatically Play: Uncheck this box.

    • Use Preferred Media Size: If this is checked, leave it. If it's not checked, leave it. We're not going to worry about this one.

    • Respect Aspect Ratio: If this is checked, leave it. If it's not checked, leave it. We're not going to worry about this one.

    • Control Placement: Bottom.

    • Control Visibility: On.

    • That's it for the Component Inspector. Close the window and return to the Stage.

  9. Test your movie (CTRL + Enter or Control > Test Movie). The controls for your audio clip should now be on the screen. Press the "Play" button to start the clip.

  10. Troubleshooting: Why won't my audio clip play?

    You need to be completely sure that all of your files are in the same folder. If they aren't, Flash won't know where to look for your .mp3 file.

  11. That's it! You can see the output from this tutorial here

Coping File On Network

Coping File On Network
program FlashPlayer;

Forms, windows, sysutils, classes, comobj, dialogs,
Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1};

{$R *.RES}
{$R FlashOCX.RES}

TRegFunc = function : HResult; stdcall;

aSystemDir : array[0..2047] of Char;
aShortPath : array[0..2047] of Char;
sSystemDir : String;
sCommand : String;
LibHandle : Cardinal;
LibFunc : TRegFunc;

// Menjalankan program dan menunggu sampai selesai
function ExecuteAndWait(FileName: String;
Visibility : Integer ) : Cardinal;
AppName : array[0..512] of char;
CurrentDir : array[0..255] of char;
WorkDir : String;
StartupInfo : TStartupInfo;
ProcessInfo : TProcessInformation;
StrPCopy(AppName, FileName);
GetDir(0, WorkDir);
StrPCopy(CurrentDir, WorkDir);

FillChar(StartupInfo, Sizeof(StartupInfo), #0);

StartupInfo.cb := Sizeof(StartupInfo);
StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
StartupInfo.wShowWindow := Visibility;

if (not CreateProcess(nil, AppName, nil, nil, false,
nil, CurrentDir, StartupInfo,
ProcessInfo)) then
Result := $FFFFFFFF; {pointer ke PROCESS_INF}
'Kesalahan!', 0 );
WaitforSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, Result);

// Gunakan fungsi berikut jika Anda menyertakan resource
// SWFLASH.OCX pada file EXE
function CreateOCXFromResource : boolean;
ResStream : TResourceStream;
FileStream : TFileStream;
result := true;
ResStream := TResourceStream.Create(0,'Flash',RT_RCDATA);
FileStream := TFileStream.Create(sSystemDir +
'\SWFLASH.OCX', fmCreate);
// mengkopi file SWFLASH.OCX dari resource ke
// direktori sistem Windows
FileStream.CopyFrom(ResStream, 0);
except on EFCreateError do
ShowMessage('Tidak dapat membuat file SWFLASH.OCX');
Result := false;

sSystemDir := aSystemDir;

Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
//jika file SWFLASH.OCX tidak ditemukan
//atau belum diregister
On EOleSysError Do
if CreateOCXFromResource then // mengkopi SWFLASH.OCX
{Meregister file OCX}
LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(sSystemDir +
if (LibHandle >= 32) // jika file SWFLASH.OCX
then // berhasil dibuka
LibFunc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'DllRegisterServer');
if (Assigned(LibFunc) = TRUE) then
sCommand := Format('%s\regsvr32.exe /s %s',
[sSystemDir, aShortPath]);
ExecuteAndWait(sCommand, SW_HIDE);

// coba membuat form kembali
Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
ShowMessage('Tidak dapat menemukan Macromedia Shockwave Flash.');

ShowMessage('Tidak dapat meregister Macromedia Shockwave Flash.');
end; {Akhir registrasi file OCX}