CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework – a toolkit – for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
Here is the list of 40+ Excellent And Useful CodeIgniter Application Development Framework Tutorials & Resources that includes some useful tutorials and few great resources that has been developed for programer and designers. We are hoping that you will learn further on CodeIgniter Application Development Framework after reading out this post.
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1. CodeIgniter Tutorial: [Creating Accounting Application] Part 1 Setting Up the Environment
2. CodeIgniter: Creating First Application at CodeIgniter
3. Building a basic PHP E-Commerce Application using CodeIgniter Framework – Part 1
4. CodeIgniter Advent: Day 1
5. How to make CodeIgniter file upload class accept all extensions?
6. An Introduction to CodeIgniter
7. 9 Ways to Integrate Ajax with CodeIgniter
8. Debugging a CodeIgniter application with FirePHP
9. Getting Started with CodeIgniter
10. CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 1
11. Building An Application Using CodIgniter Part 1/3
12. FreakAuth_light USERGUIDE
13. Displaying User Comments in a Code Igniter Blog Application
14. Building a Complete CodeIgniter Application: Part 1
15. The Best Way to Make CodeIgniter Website Multi-Lang
17. A Guide to Using Template
18. CodeIgniter and jQuery – Real Live Search with Pagination
19. Optimizing and Scaling your CodeIgniter Application – with Benchmarks!
20. Smarty as a template engine in Code Igniter
21. Speed Up your Web Application by CodeIgniter
22. Archive for the ‘CodeIgniter’ Category
23. Building with CodeIgniter: Beginning your Tumblelog
24. Template Library for Ext.CodeIgniter
25. Codeigniter: Setting up multiple sites on one install
26. How to use CodeIgniter’s OpenID library to integrate OpenID in your existing user system
27. CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development Table of Contents
28. Review: CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development
29. Book Review: Code Igniter for Rapid PHP Application Development
30. Amazon Book Review: CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development
31. Code Igniter ExtJs Integration – 3
32. Implementing the Zend Framework with CodeIgniter
33. PHP Application Framework Battle Royale: CodeIgniter vs. Symfony
34. A Quick Code Igniter and JQuery Ajax Tutorial
35. Build Your Portfolio With CodeIgniter
36. How to make a link using Codeigniter
37. Dynamically Dropdown Value On Code Igniter
38. CodeIgniter Resources Useful
39. Rapid Application Development with CodeIgniter
40. SlideShow: CodeIgniter PHP MVC Framework
41. Everything You Need to Get Started With CodeIgniter
42. Run CodeIgniter from the Command Line / SSH
43. PHP Tutorials : Building a basic PHP E-Commerce Application using CodeIgniter Framework – Part 1
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