Get prepare for starting adventure with Arduino Uno in Linux Mint.
1. Install Compiller
$sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc
2. Install JDK Java
$sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre$sudo update-alternatives --config java
3. Install Adruino Packet
$sudo apt-get install arduino-core arduino
If you found on menu Tool > Serial Port not you must do this step first. 1. Add own the port
$sudo usermod -a -G dialout [username]
2. Add privillage for access port
$sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ttyACM0
for ensure your arduino uno configure on /dev/ttyACM0, you can execute
$sudo dmesg | grep tty
you will saw like..
[ 3070.446879] cdc_acm 1-1.2:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
For display of IDE n processing more light you can do this step :
just edit opened file :$sudo vim /usr/bin/arduino
1. Add # this mean comment on this line
# java "$@"
2. Add script bellow
java "$@"
For testing script :
Ok...for next step you can select
Tool > Board > Arduino UnoLast step
Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP.
Trouble shoot :
If you get error when your script was upload..
1. un-plug the DKU cable
2. Re upload your script, n the same time plugging your arduino,
based on forum this is because start on "boot mode" on running script