24 Videos Tutorials dan Playlists For Hacking Freaks

Kita tahu bahwa ada hacker yang tersembunyi dalam setiap programmer. Hacking adalah mode terbaru aneh pemrograman. Bahkan non-programmer tidak keberatan mencoba tangan mereka pada retak kode. Petualangan dan misteri tersembunyi di hacking yang membuat setiap pecandu merasa ingin tahu tentang hal itu. Setelah membawa beberapa tutorial yang menarik, sekarang kita membawa kepada Anda beberapa video hacking yang menarik. Daftar ini mencakup beberapa video pendek maupun playlist hacking, untuk mengambil hacker dalam diri Anda untuk tingkat yang sama sekali baru. Memeriksa mereka ...

1. Cryptography Course By Dan Boneh Stanford University

2. Open Security Training - This is a Youtube Playlist of More than 90 hours. It is one of the biggest free training available for security related topic.

3. OWASP AppSec USA 2011 - This Youtube Playlist contains the compilation of OWASP conference highlight in 2011.

4. Defcon: How I Met your Girlfriend Defcon is one of the most popular hacker conference. The presenters in this conference are well know inside the hacking industry.

5. Defcon: What happens when you steal a hackers computer

6. Defcon: Nmap: Scanning the Internet

7. Web application Pen testing

8. Public Key Cryptography

9. Intro to Scanning Nmap, Hping, Amap, TCPDump, Metasploit

10. Introduction to Hacking

11. Hacking Tip: Password Cracking with Cain & Abel

12. Hack Windows 7 / 8 Password Without Software

13. Hacking Websites with SQL Injection

14. Hacking: How To Remotely Shutdown Any Computer

15. How to be a Computer Hacker

16. DEFCON [hacking conference]: The Documentary (August 1, 2013)

17. Introduction to Practical Hacking and Penetration Testing

18. Hacking Tip: Trace IP addresses to a location

19. Introduction to Kali - The Linux Operating System Built for Hacking

20. iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner Hacking explanation

21. Ethical Hacking - Password Hacking

22. Hacking DNS

23. How to track cellphones using whatsapp - Whatsapp Hack - Whatsapp spy

24. How Hacking Works and How to Protect Yourself

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22 Juni 2016 pukul 16.53 delete

This is one amazing and unique sort of post.
