1,download stand alone SDKs from zk website and copy these sdks to system32 directory. use "regsvr32 zkemkeeper.dll" in the run window. or you install the access control and T&A software, it will auto-install zkemkeeper.dll
import zkemkeeper.dll Activex control, please see http://hk.zksoftware.com/bbs/vie ... &extra=page%3D1.
2, If you haved registered the zkemkeeper.dll, but you update the zkemkeeper.dll, because the sdk add a new function, but you didnt find it special function. so you need copy the new dlls to the system32 directory, and use "regsvr32" command. then you need open the delphi, select menu Component->Import Activex control->ZKEMKeeper 6.0 Control->Create Unit.