rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol Client

rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol Client

I am responsible for couple of windows servers and windows xp workstations too. When I work from home, I need a way to get into Windows XP/2000/Vista/2003 server for work.

Since I have Debain Linux at home, I needed a way to login into Microsoft windows desktop from Linux OS. Many of us working at tech support use rdesktop to connect to customers' windows XP box.
Especially it is very useful to configure Outlook or something else when customers do not understand how to configure or troubleshoot problem. This is the best way to fix a problem.

Fortunately, Linux has rdesktop utility. It is a client for remote desktop protocol (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft products including Windows NT Terminal Server, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server. You do not need to install VNC server. All you need is rdesktop client on Linux or BSD workstation.

Install rdesktop

# apt-get install rdesktop

Connect to MS Windows 2000/2003 server from Linux, type the following command at a shell prompt (connect to Windows server called mw2sn100.mycorp.com)

$ rdesktop mw2sn100.mycorp.com

Or connect to windows XP/Vista workstation having IP

$ rdesktop

Remote windows XP desktop

Please note that you must first enable remote desktop connection under Windows Server/XP.

  • Go to Windows XP Desktop
  • Right Click on My Computer
  • Select properties
  • Select Remote tab
  • Enable Remote desktop.
  • Save the changes.

Make sure enterprise firewall allows incoming connection on TCP port 3389. rdesktop supports many other options, see man page of rdesktop or visit main website of rdesktop for more information.

Samba quickstart - File Sharing Between Linux and Windows

Samba quickstart - File Sharing Between Linux and Windows
Windows File Sharing is Insecure

All M$ Windows clients use Server Message Block, SMB, to share files in local network. SMB is used in most firms that have any Windows computers, because it is easy to install to Windows. Linux is a popular choice for an SMB server, because it can serve more clients with the same hardware.

SMB is completely inherently insecure. It does not encrypt traffic, so it can only be used in a LAN, relying on company firewall. Password encryption can be bypassed with widely available programs, such as l0pthcrack. Sharing files on a Windows box opens it to many exploits. Even though it is a lot harder to crack into a linux, Samba cannot make SMB secure.

If you are looking for a good way to share files, consider some other options, such as lufs, afs or webdav.

(c) Tero Karvinen

Linux Samba Server Installation and Configuration

Install Samba server and client, start daemon, make it start automatically

yum -y install samba-client samba
/etc/init.d/smb start
chkconfig smb on

If you don't have yum yet, see Yum automated software installation or install the programs manually.

Make a hole in the firewall. Replace with your own ip-number and network mask. You can see your ip-number and mask with ifconfig eth0|grep "inet addr"

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --source --dport 137:139 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --source --dport 137:139 -j ACCEPT
iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Opening holes for these six ports in the firewall makes it possible to use the server. It does not necessarily mean that you can browse other hosts from your linux server.

The firewall configuration tool provided with redhat, lokkit, overwrites your hand made rules if you run it, so don't use it.

Test first by accessing trough loopback adapter (bypassing firewall), then with your ip-number (trough the holes in the firewall), and finally try file transfer. Use your own ip-number instead of

smbclient -L localhost -U %
ifconfig eth0|grep "inet addr"
smbclient -L -U %

If all went right, you should see something like

$ smbclient -L localhost -U %
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.7a-security-rollup-fix]

Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server)
ADMIN$ Disk IPC Service (Samba Server)

Server Comment
--------- -------
LOCALHOST Samba Server

Workgroup Master
--------- -------

Now you have Samba installed.

Sharing User Home Directories

Let's give some user a permission to get to his homedir. We must add that user to samba users and give new samba password. Don't use your unix passwords here, or your unix security might be lowered to Windows level. Add users as root, replacing tero with the user you want to add.

smbadduser tero:tero

Samba 3 uses smbpasswd -a tero. Because sharing home directories is enabled by default in /etc/samba/smb.conf, tero can access his homedir right away.

smbclient // -U tero%password

smbclient works a lot like any text mode ftp client. If you can see your files with ls, it's working:

added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.7a-security-rollup-fix]
smb: \> ls
. D 0 Mon May 19 17:01:54 2003
.. D 0 Mon May 12 15:24:32 2003
.kde DH 0 Fri Apr 18 14:43:03 2003
.bash_logout H 24 Tue Feb 11 15:34:44 2003

Windows Client Configuration

Add your share to a Windows client. Open Start Menu: Programs: Accessories: Command Prompt. Replace with your linux samba server ip-number. The star * in net use means use first free drive letter. Type your password when asked.

net use * \\\tero /USER:tero

You can see your mounted shares in Windows Explorer or with net use. To unmount the directory, use /DELETE. Drives are automatically mounted on login if they were mounted with /PERSISTENT option. For help, try net help use. There is a graphical interface to mount remote shares too. In Windows Explorer, select Tools: Map Network Drive.

Todo and About this document

This howto was tested with redhat 9.0 Shrike.

Notes on browsing Windows network with Linux

Linux as a client for Windows fileshares, including iptables configuration. Maybe this requires opening upper ports for local network, that is 1025 tcp - 65535 tcp and 1025 udp - 65535 udp.

Following configuration allows browsing (smbtree) from Linux workstation in Helia:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 137:139 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 137:139 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 1025:65535 -j ACCEPT

Especially, smbtree does not work without opening high unpriviledged udp ports. Because that is a big hole, it is often smart to use --source ip/mask to limit allowed ip-numbers.

For graphical browsing or a "Network Neighbourhood", use konqueror. Nautilus has not worked too well on my testing.

Todo: Explain how smb.conf and /etc/init.d/smb start affect browsing from a Linux workstation.

Firewall update 2008-04-11

Leo Tilson sent improved firewall configuration, which I have not tested yet. Leo says that opening source ports lets you avoid opening high ports.

iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p udp --dport 137
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p udp --dport 138
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 139
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 445

iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p udp --sport 137
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p udp --sport 138

Pusing dengan printer Canon IP 1880

Pusing dengan printer Canon IP 1880
Baru baru ini saya membeli sebuah printer Pixma IP 1880 dari Canon. Printer ini dibandrol dengan harga 500.000 rupiah dengan harga paket pembelian PC saya yang 3 unit.
untuk pertama kali saya gunakan printer ok dan memiliki kecepatan print yang kenceng sekitar 20 ppm buat black. Desain yang hitam mengkilat terlihat tampak elegan dengan sisi yang tanpa sudut.
masalah baru mulai muncul ketika printer menunjukkan indikasi tinta sedikit atau low ink.

Ah saya pikir nanti juga bisa diisi lagi……namun ketika saya mengisi kembali dengan refill ternyata status LOW INK tersebut tetap dan tidak berubah…wah ada apa ya..
saya coba cari lagi di printer preferencenya …biasanya ada…karena pengalaman pake IP 1300 dan IP 1000 rasanya ada buat reset ink statusnya. Alhasil setelah dicari kemana - mana gak ketemu. Waduh gawat…..
printer tetep saya pakai dngan mengprint beberapa lembar … dan akhirnya tinta habis dan status nya menjadi INK RUNS OUT … .mampus dah, gimana lagi caranya. Padahal tuh tangki udah tak isi penuh….
lama- lama muncul pesan klo memang mau meneruskan printing dapat dilakukan dengan menahan tombol RESUME selama 5-6 detik, setelah itu dilepaskan. Ternyata bisa, printer dapat digunakan kembali walaupun peringatan kalau status tinta (dalam hal ini warna hitam saya) tidak akan ditampilkan lagi alias di DISABLE, dan tidak bisa tahu kapan tinta tersebut habis dan harus diisi ulang kembali.
ya udah sih gak pa pa lah …. walaupun kita harus memperkirakan kapan tinta tersebut harus diisi, dari pada gak bisa dipake sama sekali. Sekarang saja tinta warna saya sudah mau ikutan dengan tinta hitamnya, sama- sama di disable….mampus dah.
Yang saya herankan kenapa pihak CANON tidak mau membuat resetter buat ink status -nya padahal pada beberapa printer keluaran CANON sendiri ada yang sudah built in software bawaan. Apakah ini taktik dagang dari CANON atau apa saya gak tahu dan malas mikirinnya.
Buat teman teman yang tahu cara mereset INK STATUSnya baik dengan software atau TRIK mohon dikirmkan kepada saya melalui posting ini saja, mungkin nanti teman teman lain juga dapat belajar mengetahui dan berbagi dengan sesama user yang mengalami masalah yang sama dengan saya.

NEWS UPDATE : nih resetternya silakan di coba (credits to http://hylmishafiy.net/?p=124)



IPTOOL = resetter ink status untuk IP1880,IP2500 (http://ipt.nm.ru)


Resetter Tools by Novi Form Bali isi resetter buat P1100/1200/1300/1600/1700/1880-MP150/170/450 dll


resetter untuk IP 1880 (post by Suntara)

Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
• Driver harus sdh terinstal dengan benar
• Kabel USB juga terhubung.
• sebelum kabel power printer dicolokin ke listrik, tekan dan tahan tombol power dan colok kabel power ke

• Sambil menahan tombol power, tekan tombol reject 2 kali lalu lepasin tombol power.
• printer udah siap di reset.
• jalanin program reset.
• buka Lock Release di program
• Lalu pilih set destination ke ip1880,
• lalu klik MAIN dan PLATEN. Udah terus

Untuk resetter yang digunakan yang ini download Resetter IP1880-1100-2500

Ini screenshotnya buat GENERAL TOOL: Klik aje buat gedeinnya..

Ini screenshotnya buat IP TOOL v 0.92: Klik aje buat gedeinnya..

Info tambahan :

http://serviceprinter.wordpress.com/ by Abu Zulfa


Mode Printer On Resetter

Mode Printer On Resetter
klo ky gitu tandanya waste ink mas dah full.mesti di clean..nah caranya:
1.download iptools printer disini http://www.ipt.nm.ru/iPTool.rar (klik tanda iptools.rar)
2.matikan printer and cabut kabel power monitor
3.tekan tahan tombol hidupkan printer sambil memasang cable power,sambiltetap begitu tekan tombol resume 2x,lepas tombol..tunggu sampai lampu tak berkedip.

4 jalankan program iptools..dia akan detect otomatis jenis printer anda
5 klik reset black dan reset color di ink counter, tunggu sbntr
6. klik reset main and reset plattern di waste ink counter,tunggu sbntr
7 klik reset di eeprom operation
8. klik pattern 1 di print head test

setelah print..matikan printer..cabut power sebentar..trus pasang lagi
hidupkan printer..biarkan proses jalan...
setelah itu..matikan spt bias printer..hidupkan lg...

mga sukses....

nb: klo proses ke 2 lampu masih kedap2 coba ulangi


Service Mode Operations

1. With the printer turned off, hold down the RESUME button and press the POWER button (the green indicator lights and the desired service function can be selected).
2. While holding down POWER button, let go of the RESUME button and then press the RESUME button twice in succession. Then let go of the RESUME button and POWER. Troubleshooting button. (Each time you press the RESUME button, the indicator’s color toggles between orange and green.)
3. During printer initialization, the green indicator blinks. When the green indicator stops blinking and remains on, press the RESUME button the stipulated number of times to execute the desired service function listed below. (Each time you press the RESUME button, the indicator’s color toggles between orange and green.)

Press Indicator Function
0 - times Lights green Power off (Even if there is no Print Head mounted, the carriage will return to the home position and lock.)
1 - time Lights orange Service/factory test printout(Including ink sensor check)
2 - times Lights green EEPROM information printout
3 - times Lights orange EEPROM initialization (All the information will be reset to the default, but the printer settings will not be affected.)
4 - times Lights green Clears the waste-ink counter (if you printer getting waste ink problems).
5 - times Lights orange -Market area (printer) setting

After the power is turned on and a service function is RESUME button the stipulated executed, press the number of times to set the market area setting. Lights green Press the POWER button to return to the service function
6 - times or more selection mode.

After selecting the service function, press the POWER button. The green indicator lights and the service function will be executed.
(After the respective function is executed, the printer returns to the service function
selection mode.)