Fungsi untuk menghapus separator ribuan

Fungsi untuk menghapus separator ribuan

Fungsi untuk menghapus separator ribuan
Posted in Delphi on 13 January 2008 by eksa

// fungsi untuk menghapus separator ribuan
// sebelum data diconvert menjadi angka, pastikan
// sudah tidak ada separator ribuan
function RemSeparator(const Text: string;
Separator: Char): string;
i: integer;
s: string;
s := Text;
for i := 1 to Length(Text) do
if s[i] = Separator then Delete(s, i, 1);
Result := s;

procedure TFFormatDuit.Edit1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
// ubah data dari teks menjadi float, dan ubah kembali dari float dengan
// teks yang udah berformat
procedure ConvertData;
if Edit1.Text = ” then Edit1.Text := ‘0′;
Edit1.Text := FormatFloat(’#,##0.00′, StrToFloat(RemSeparator(Edit1.Text,’,')));
i: Integer;
// ubah data, dan kemudian letakkan data pada sel paling akhir
// dari kotak edit sehingga pengisian berupa right align
if Key in [96..105,110] then begin
i := Pos(decimalseparator,Edit1.Text);
if (i>0) then
if Key = 110 then
Edit1.SelStart := i else
Edit1.SelStart := i - 1;

procedure TFFormatDuit.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
// pastikan data yang dimasukkan selalu benar
// tidak boleh huruf
case Key of
‘0′..’9′ : Next;
‘,’ : Next;
Key := #0

Konversi dari ShortDate String ke LongDate String Format

Konversi dari ShortDate String ke LongDate String Format

Konversi dari ShortDate String ke LongDate String Format

Posted in Delphi on 13 January 2008 by eksa

Bila saya mempunyai format tanggal pendek (ShortDate) dalam tipe String (mis: 02/05/2006), maka saya akan menggunakan function berikut untuk mengkonversinya ke format tanggal panjang (LongDate) dalam tipe String:

function LongDate(sDate: String): String;
tTanggal: TDateTime;
wTgl, wBln, wThn: Word;
ShortDateFormat := ‘dd/mm/yyyy’;
tTanggal := StrToDate(sDate);
tTanggal := EncodeDate(wThn, wBln, wTgl);
Result := FormatDateTime(’dddd, d mmmm yyyy’, tTanggal);

Sehingga dari “02/05/2006″ setelah dikonversi akan menghasilkan bentuk tanggal seperti: “Selasa, 2 Mei 2006″.

Menampilkan CheckBox di DBGrid

Menampilkan CheckBox di DBGrid

Menampilkan CheckBox di DBGrid

Posted in Delphi on 13 January 2008 by eksa

TForm1 = class(TForm)
DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
procedure DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect;
DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
procedure DBGrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn);
procedure DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject);
procedure DBGrid1ColExit(Sender: TObject);
procedure SaveBoolean;
{ Private declarations }
FOriginalOptions : TDBGridOptions;
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.SaveBoolean;
DBGrid1.SelectedField.AsBoolean := not Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.AsBoolean;
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect;
DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
CtrlState : array[Boolean] of Integer = (DFCS_BUTTONCHECK,
CheckBoxRectangle : TRect;
if Column.Field.DataType = ftBoolean then
CheckBoxRectangle.Left := Rect.Left + 2;
CheckBoxRectangle.Right := Rect.Right - 2;
CheckBoxRectangle.Top := Rect.Top + 2;
CheckBoxRectangle.Bottom := Rect.Bottom - 2;
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject);
if DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean then
Self.FOriginalOptions := DBGrid1.Options;
DBGrid1.Options := DBGrid1.Options - [dgEditing];

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColExit(Sender: TObject);
if DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean then
DBGrid1.Options := Self.FOriginalOptions;

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn);
if DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean then

reset printer

reset printer Canon iP1880

Dear all reseter's

This is How to Reset Canon Pixma iP 1880 :
Waste Ink Counter Reset Manual for Service mode
1. Turn On iP1880
2. Push and Hold Resume button about 2 minutes
3. Release Resume button
4. Printer back to normal again

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Friday, March 14, 2008

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Setting MRTG on Redhat Linux

Setting MRTG on Redhat Linux
cek apakah snmp sudah terinstall
# rpm -qa | grep snmp

Working dir snmp ada di /etc/snmp/
file konfigurasi :

rocommunity smiert

## source community
## ======== ====== =========
com2sec local localhost smiert
com2sec network_1 smiert

## sec.model
## ================= ========= ========
group MyROGroup v1 local
group MyROGroup v1 network_1

## incl/excl MIB.subtree mask
## ============== ========= =========== ====
view all-mibs included .1 80

## MIB
## context sec.model sec.level prefix read write notif
## ========== ======= ========= ========= ====== ==== ===== =====
access MyROGroup "" v1 noauth 0 all-mibs none none

coba snmp udah jalan apa belum, sebelumnya jalanin service snmpd
# snmpwalk -v 1 -c smiert localhost system
# snmpwalk -v 1 -c smiert localhost interface

Kalo udah ada outputnya maka tinggal mrtg nya....

cek apa uda terinstall mrtg
# rpm -qa | grep mrtg

buat file konfigurasi yang nantinya otomatis diletakkan pada /var/www/mrtg
# cfgmaker --output=/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg \
--global "workdir: /var/www/mrtg" -ifref=ip \
--global 'options[_]: growright,bits' \

# cfgmaker --output=/etc/mrtg/ \
--ifref=ip --global "workdir: /var/www/mrtg" \
--snmp-options=:::::2 smiert@

buat file server-info.cfg yang terletak pada /etc/mrtg
# vi /etc/mrtg/server-info.cfg

# File: /etc/mrtg/server-info.cfg
# Configuration file for non bandwidth server statistics

# Define global options

LoadMIBs: /usr/share/snmp/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt,/usr/share/snmp/mibs/TCP-MIB.txt
workdir: /var/www/mrtg/

# CPU Monitoring
# (Scaled so that the sum of all three values doesn't exceed 100)

Target[server.cpu]:ssCpuRawUser.0&ssCpuRawUser.0:smiert@localhost + ssCpuRawSystem.0&ssCpuRawSystem.0:smiert@localhost + ssCpuRawNice.0&ssCpuRawNice.0:smiert@localhost
Title[server.cpu]: Server CPU Load
PageTop[server.cpu]: CPU Load - System, User and Nice Processes
MaxBytes[server.cpu]: 100
ShortLegend[server.cpu]: %
YLegend[server.cpu]: CPU Utilization
Legend1[server.cpu]: Current CPU percentage load
LegendI[server.cpu]: Used
Options[server.cpu]: growright,nopercent
Unscaled[server.cpu]: ymwd

# Memory Monitoring (Total Versus Available Memory)

Target[server.memory]: memAvailReal.0&memTotalReal.0:smiert@localhost
Title[server.memory]: Free Memory
PageTop[server.memory]: Free Memory
MaxBytes[server.memory]: 100000000000
ShortLegend[server.memory]: B
YLegend[server.memory]: Bytes
LegendI[server.memory]: Free
LegendO[server.memory]: Total
Legend1[server.memory]: Free memory, not including swap, in bytes
Legend2[server.memory]: Total memory
Options[server.memory]: gauge,growright,nopercent
kMG[server.memory]: k,M,G,T,P,X

# Memory Monitoring (Percentage usage)
Title[server.mempercent]: Percentage Free Memory
PageTop[server.mempercent]: Percentage Free Memory
Target[server.mempercent]: ( memAvailReal.0&memAvailReal.0:smiert@localhost ) * 100 / ( memTotalReal.0&memTotalReal.0:smiert@localhost )
options[server.mempercent]: growright,gauge,transparent,nopercent
Unscaled[server.mempercent]: ymwd
MaxBytes[server.mempercent]: 100
YLegend[server.mempercent]: Memory %
ShortLegend[server.mempercent]: Percent
LegendI[server.mempercent]: Free
LegendO[server.mempercent]: Free
Legend1[server.mempercent]: Percentage Free Memory
Legend2[server.mempercent]: Percentage Free Memory

# New TCP Connection Monitoring (per minute)

Target[server.newconns]: tcpPassiveOpens.0&tcpActiveOpens.0:smiert@localhost
Title[server.newconns]: Newly Created TCP Connections
PageTop[server.newconns]: New TCP Connections
MaxBytes[server.newconns]: 10000000000
ShortLegend[server.newconns]: c/s
YLegend[server.newconns]: Conns / Min
LegendI[server.newconns]: In
LegendO[server.newconns]: Out
Legend1[server.newconns]: New inbound connections
Legend2[server.newconns]: New outbound connections
Options[server.newconns]: growright,nopercent,perminute

# Established TCP Connections

Target[server.estabcons]: tcpCurrEstab.0&tcpCurrEstab.0:smiert@localhost
Title[server.estabcons]: Currently Established TCP Connections
PageTop[server.estabcons]: Established TCP Connections
MaxBytes[server.estabcons]: 10000000000
YLegend[server.estabcons]: Connections
LegendI[server.estabcons]: In
Legend1[server.estabcons]: Established connections
Options[server.estabcons]: growright,nopercent,gauge

Lalu jalankan perintah dibawah
# service snmpd restart

jalankan perintah dibawah sampai tidak ada output lagi ( biasanya 3 kali )
# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/server-info.cfg

buat halaman index
# indexmaker --output=/var/www/mrtg/index.html \
/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg /etc/mrtg/server-info.cfg

edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, tambahkan baris2 berikut

Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from localhost

jalankan service cron
# service crond start

buat file /etc/cron.d/mrtg
# vi /etc/cron.d/mrtg

*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --lock-file
/var/lock/mrtg/mrtg_l --confcache-file /var/lib/mrtg/mrtg.ok
0-59/5 * * * * root env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/server-info.cfg

buka browser ketik http://localhost/mrtg

Prepare MySQL On Site

Prepare MySQL On Site
b/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
[root@akbideub mysql]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Stopping MySQL: [FAILED]
Initializing MySQL database: Installing all prepared tables
Fill help tables

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server
to the right place for your system

To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h password 'new-password'
See the manual for more instructions.

You can start the MySQL daemon with:
cd /usr ; /usr/bin/mysqld_safe &

You can test the MySQL daemon with the benchmarks in the 'sql-bench' directory:
cd sql-bench ; perl run-all-tests

Please report any problems with the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at
[ OK ]
Starting MySQL: [ OK ]

Power Point slides directly in the phone,

Power Point slides directly in the phone,
Bluetooth Remote Control 2.0 Publisher's description

Bluetooth Remote Control turns your Bluetooth enabled mobile phone into a universal controller for Window.
See your Power Point slides directly in the phone, browse/play the songs in ITune, WIinAM and Media player and much more...

Bluetooth Remote Control is a true universal remote control that lets the user adds or modify the controlled programs. Customize simple keymaps or for full control over the UI write your own Java and VB scripts.

Requirements: Bluetooth phone and PC

- Download Bluetooth Remote Control 2.0

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HB Multi Remote Control 2.2
Monitor and control network computers.

talking via bluetooth

talking via bluetooth
djk-Bluevoice BETA
djk-Bluevoice BETA v.0.1 Platforms: Java (J2ME)
GetJar Rank: 149 [view graph]
Version: 0.1
Type: Freeware [report not freeware] | [confirm freeware]
Added: 2008 Jan 16
Updated: 2008 Jan 30
User rating: 9.00 (2 votes) [view graph]
Downloads: 45842 (3252 last week)
Nokia 6600 compatible version Java (J2ME)


Size: 19.2 Kb

Download to Mobile via WAP: Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 24853
Download to PC:
JAD file (djk-Bluevoice.jad)
JAR file (djk-Bluevoice.jar)

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This is a BETA version.

The application alows you to detect all bluetooh compatible devices in your area. The found devices are identified by type (phone, pc, peripherall, audio/video, misc, etc.).
The application also shows you a lot of useful informations about your own bluetooth device and some informations about the device that communicate with.
You can send voice messages by using 1,3-keys (start/stop talking). You can restrict the access to your own device using 5-key.
To use this application with succes, you must have on your device "java bluetooth api - jsr82" and you must be able to play amr voice content "java media API - jsr135".

Please visit us at: to stay updated.

Kontrol PC via HP+BlueTooth

Kontrol PC via HP+BlueTooth
Moccatroller v.1.1 Platforms: Java (J2ME)
GetJar Rank: 468 [view graph]
Version: 1.1
Type: Freeware [report not freeware] | [confirm freeware]
Added: 2007 Aug 31
Updated: 2007 Nov 10
User rating: 10.00 (1 votes) [view graph]
Downloads: 12351 (830 last week)
Nokia 6600 compatible version Java (J2ME)


Size: 9.52 Kb

Download to Mobile via WAP: Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 19907
Download to PC:
JAD file (MoccatrollerMobile.jad)
JAR file (MoccatrollerMobile.jar)

Write a review
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Moccatroller is a program that allows you to remote control PC applications on a Windows (XP or later) computer with a mobile phone or PDA using Bluetooth technology. Perfect for navigating your Powerpoint presentation, playing a video with Windows Media Player, or running any other program remotely. The mobile application requires a Moccatroller server running on a PC available here. The source code is now available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Download Moccatroller:

Nokia 6600 compatible version

1. MoccatrollerMobile.jar Java (J2ME)
Size: 9.52 Kb
Compatible with:
Alcatel: One Touch 557, One Touch 557a, One Touch 735, One Touch 756, One Touch C550, One Touch C552, One Touch C552a, One Touch C750, One Touch S853
Asus: P525
Audiovox: SMT 5600
BenQ: A520, C30, EF51, P50
BenQ-Siemens: CL71, E61, S81, S88
BlackBerry: 6220, 6230, 6280, 6720, 7100, 7100i, 7130, 7130e, 7210, 7230, 7250, 7280, 7290, 7510, 7520, 7730, 8100, 8130, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8700, 8703e, 8707, 8800, 8820, 8830
CECT: A1000
Cingular: Cingular 2125, Cingular BlackJack
Dopod: Dopod 515, Dopod 557w, Dopod 565, Dopod 575, Dopod 585, Dopod 586w, Dopod 595, Dopod C720W
HP: iPAQ 510 Mobile Messenger
HTC: HTC MTeoR, HTC S310, HTC S620, HTC S650, HTC S710, P3400, P3450
Huawei: U526, U626
i-mate: i-mate Smartphone2, i-mate SP Jas, i-mate SP3, i-mate SP3i, i-mate SP5, i-mate SP5m, i-mate SPL
I-mobile: 510
Lenovo: V800
LG: B2000, B2050, B2070, B2100, B2150, C1100, C1150, C2000, C2500, C2600, C3100, C3300, C3400, CG225, CU400, CU500, F2400, G1600, G1610, G4015, G7100, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE970, KG110, KG195, KG200, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG245, KG290, KG300, KG320, KG800, LG KE500, LG-KE600, LG550, LX550, LX570, M4410, MG100a, MG105, MG220, MX510, P7200, S5200, T5100, TU500, U8210, U8290, U8330, U8500, VX9400, VX9900
LG Electronics: LG-B2060
Mitac: Mio 8390, Mio 8860, Mio 8870
Motorola: A1200, A760, A768, A780, A835, C155, C168, C257, C261, C290, C350, C350M, C380, C385, C390, C450, C550, C650, C975, E1000, E1070, E365, E380, E398, E398B, E398i, E550, E680, E680i, E770, E770-Vodafone, E790, E815, i830, i850, i930, K1, KZRK K1, L2, L6, L6i, L7-Vodafone, L71, Motorola Q, Motorola Q Plus, MPX220, PEBL U6, Razr V3, RAZR V3a, RAZR V3m, Razr V3x, RAZR V3xx, RAZR V3xxv, RAZR V6, RAZR2 V8, RAZR2 V9, RAZR2 V9m, ROKR E1, ROKR E2, ROKR E6, SLVR L7, SLVR L7e, SLVR L7i, SLVR L9, T720, V1050, V1075, V171, V177, V180, V186, V188, V190, V191, V195, V197, V220, V235, V300, V303, V360, V360-Vodafone, V365, V3c, V3i, V3m, V3r, V3t, V3v, V3x-Vodafone, V400, V500, V505, V525, V525M, V535, V545, V547, V550, V551, V555, V557, V600, V600i, V620, V635, V690, V80, V975, V980, V980M, W220, W315, W375, W490, W510, Z3
NEC: N600
Nokia: 2355, 2610, 2626, 2630, 2650, 2760, 2855i, 2865, 2865i, 3100, 3105, 3110c, 3120, 3125, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3200, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3300, 3410, 3500, 3510, 3510i, 3530, 3586i, 3587, 3595, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5070, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5300, 5310 XpressMusic, 5500, 6010, 6015, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6060v, 6061, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103, 6108, 6111, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6133, 6151, 6155, 6165, 6165i, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6255i, 6260, 6265, 6265i, 6267, 6270, 6275i, 6280, 6288, 6300, 6310i, 6500c, 6500s, 6555, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610i, 6620, 6630, 6650, 6651, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6708, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7500, 7600, 7610, 7650, 7710, 8600 Luna, 8800, 8800 Sirocco, 8910i, 9210, 9290, 9300, 9500, E50, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, N70, N70-1, N71, N72, N73, N75, N77, N80-1, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95
O2: Ice
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Philips: 568, 588, 755, 756, 766, 768, 960, S890, S900
Qtek: 8100, 8500
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RoverPC: M1
Sagem: MY 302X, MY 301X, MY 400V, MY 400X, MY 401C, MY 401X, MY 401Z, MY 501C, MY 501X, MY 600v, MY 600x, MY 700X, MY C4-2, MY C5-2, MY C5-2 Vodafone, MY V-55, MY V-56, MY V-65, MY V-75, MY W-7, MY X-4, MY X-5-2T, MY X-6, MY X-7, MY X-8, MY X5-2, MY X5-2M, MY X6-2, MY Z-5, my411X, myX5-2v, Sagem myS-7
Samsung: A717, i300, i320, i320N, SCH A870, SGH A701, SGH A707, SGH C100, SGH C100G, SGH C130, SGH C140, SGH C160, SGH C170, SGH C200, SGH C207, SGH C207L, SGH C210, SGH C230, SGH C260, SGH C300, SGH C400, SGH C406, SGH C417, SGH D407, SGH D410, SGH D500, SGH D500C, SGH D500E, SGH D510, SGH D520, SGH D600, SGH D600E, SGH D720, SGH D800, SGH D807, SGH D820, SGH D830, SGH D836, SGH D840, SGH D900, SGH D900i, SGH E200, SGH E250, SGH E300, SGH E310, SGH E310C, SGH E315, SGH E316, SGH E330, SGH E330N, SGH E340, SGH E340E, SGH E350, SGH E350E, SGH E360, SGH E370, SGH E376, SGH E390, SGH E420, SGH E490, SGH E500, SGH E530, SGH E568, SGH E570, SGH E600, SGH E620, SGH E630, SGH E630C, SGH E690, SGH E700, SGH E710, SGH E715, SGH E720, SGH E728, SGH E730, SGH E736, SGH E760, SGH E780, SGH E800, SGH E808, SGH E810, SGH E820, SGH E830, SGH E840, SGH E870, SGH E878, SGH E890, SGH E898, SGH E900, SGH G600, SGH i300, SGH I320, SGH I607, SGH J600, SGH L760, SGH M600, SGH P200, SGH P300, SGH P310, SGH P400, SGH P510, SGH P777, SGH P850, SGH P900, SGH P906, SGH P910, SGH P920, SGH S300, SGH S300M, SGH S500, SGH T209, SGH T219, SGH T309, SGH T319, SGH T329, SGH T509, SGH T509S, SGH T519, SGH T609, SGH T619, SGH T629, SGH T729, SGH T809, SGH U600, SGH U700, SGH V200, SGH X100, SGH X100A, SGH X105, SGH X120, SGH X140, SGH X160, SGH X200, SGH X210, SGH X300, SGH X430, SGH X450, SGH X460, SGH X480, SGH X486, SGH X490, SGH X495, SGH X500, SGH X506, SGH X507, SGH X510, SGH X520, SGH X530, SGH X540, SGH X600, SGH X608, SGH X610, SGH X620, SGH X620C, SGH X630, SGH X636, SGH X640, SGH X640C, SGH X648, SGH X650, SGH X660, SGH X670, SGH X680, SGH X686, SGH X700, SGH X820, SGH X830, SGH Z107, SGH Z140, SGH Z170, SGH Z230, SGH Z240, SGH Z300, SGH Z370, SGH Z400, SGH Z400V, SGH Z500, SGH Z510, SGH Z530, SGH Z540, SGH Z560, SGH Z630, SGH Z720, SGH ZV10, SGH ZV40, SGH ZV50, SGH-i607, SPH A580, SPH A640, SPH A660, SPH A680, SPH A740, SPH A900, SPH A900P, SPH A920, SPH A940, SPH A960, SPH M500, SPH M510, SPH M610, SPH M620, Z130, Z150
Sanyo: S750, SCP-6600
Sendo: X
Sharp: 770SH, GX-L15, GX10, GX10i, GX15, GX17, GX20, GX22, GX25, GX29, GX30, GX30i, GXT15, TM100, TM150
Siemens: A31, A60, A65, A75, AL21, AP75, AX72, AX75, AX76, C55, C60, C62, C65, C65-Vodafone, C66, C72, C75, CF62, CF75, CF76, CX65, CX70, CX75, EF81, M50, M55, M56, M65, M75, MC60, ME75, MT50, S55, S57, S65, S75, SK65, SL42, SL45, SL55, SL65, SL75, ST60, SX1
Sony-Ericsson: D750, D750i, F500i, J200i, J210i, J220i, J230i, J300a, J300i, K200i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K310a, K310i, K320i, K500i, K508, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K530i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, K810i, K850i, M600i, P1i, P800, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S500i, S700, S700i, S710a, T226, T230, T250i, T290a, T290i, T610, T616, T630, T637, T650i, T68, V600, V600i, V630i, W200a, W200i, W300, W300i, W550c, W550i, W580i, W600c, W600i, W610i, W660i, W700i, W710i, W800c, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W830i, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W900i, W910i, W950i, Z1010, Z200, Z300i, Z310i, Z310iv, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i, Z550a, Z550i, Z558i, Z600, Z610i, Z710i, Z800
T-Mobile: MDA Dash, MDA Mail, SDA, SDA (US name), SDA II, SDA Music
Tatung: M1
VK Mobile: VK4000
Vodafone: v1210, v1240, VDA II, VDA IV
Download to Mobile via WAP: Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 19907
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JAD file (MoccatrollerMobile.jad)
JAR file (MoccatrollerMobile.jar)

RemotePC2 v.2.0 Platforms: Java (J2ME)
GetJar Rank: 129 [view graph]
Version: 2.0
Type: Freeware [report not freeware] | [confirm freeware]
Added: 2006 Jul 9
Updated: 2006 Aug 8
User rating: 7.41 (87 votes) [view graph]
Downloads: 333811 (3815 last week)
Nokia 6600 compatible version Java (J2ME)


Size: 27.03 Kb

Download to Mobile via WAP: Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 7482
Download to PC:
JAD file (RemotePC2.jad)
JAR file (RemotePC2.jar)

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This software is a tool that make you to control your computer from Mobile Phone over GPRS and Bluetooth. Server runs on your pc and client runs on your Mobile Phohe. This software is the second version of Remote PC.

- Desktop view of computer on mobile phone. 8 level zoom option.
- Chat between mobile phone and computer. You can show and hide chat window.
- You can shut down or restart your computer from mobile phone.
- Logging of servers` IP on a web server for client.
- Connection can be done over GPRS (internet!)
- Connection can be done over Bluetooth (10m-100m range depends on your bluetooth dongle and phone. Phone should support JSR-82 javax.bluetooth API. Also you should add serial port (A com port Ex: COM6) for communication from your bluetooh driver software. WIDCOMM or WinXP bluetooth driver)
-You can run server totaly hidden. No system tray icon no window. In the hidden mode if you press R while pressing LEFT CTRL+ALT+ LEFT SHIFT Main Window will be showed.
- You cand run command on the computer.
- Username and Password checking for protection.
- Reliable connection between computer and mobile phone. - Low badwith usage over network.
- User friendly GUI and easy accessiable functions!
- Turkish and English help files included!

NOTE: I couldn`t upload server please download server from: Goto MobilePhone category and then download remotepc2.rar


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Have fun and make a donation!

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Nokia 6600 compatible version

1. RemotePC2.jar Java (J2ME)
Size: 27.03 Kb
Compatible with:
Alcatel: One Touch 557, One Touch 557a, One Touch 735, One Touch 756, One Touch C550, One Touch C552, One Touch C552a, One Touch C750, One Touch S853
Asus: P525
Audiovox: SMT 5600
BenQ: A520, C30, EF51, P50
BenQ-Siemens: CL71, E61, S81, S88
BlackBerry: 6220, 6230, 6280, 6720, 7100, 7100i, 7130, 7130e, 7210, 7230, 7250, 7280, 7290, 7510, 7520, 7730, 8100, 8130, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8700, 8703e, 8707, 8800, 8820, 8830
CECT: A1000
Cingular: Cingular 2125, Cingular BlackJack
Dopod: Dopod 515, Dopod 557w, Dopod 565, Dopod 575, Dopod 585, Dopod 586w, Dopod 595, Dopod C720W
HP: iPAQ 510 Mobile Messenger
HTC: HTC MTeoR, HTC S310, HTC S620, HTC S650, HTC S710, P3400, P3450
Huawei: U526, U626
i-mate: i-mate Smartphone2, i-mate SP Jas, i-mate SP3, i-mate SP3i, i-mate SP5, i-mate SP5m, i-mate SPL
I-mobile: 510
Lenovo: V800
LG: B2000, B2050, B2070, B2100, B2150, C1100, C1150, C2000, C2500, C2600, C3100, C3300, C3400, CG225, CU400, CU500, F2400, G1600, G1610, G4015, G7100, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE970, KG110, KG195, KG200, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG245, KG290, KG300, KG320, KG800, LG KE500, LG-KE600, LG550, LX550, LX570, M4410, MG100a, MG105, MG220, MX510, P7200, S5200, T5100, TU500, U8210, U8290, U8330, U8500, VX9400, VX9900
LG Electronics: LG-B2060
Mitac: Mio 8390, Mio 8860, Mio 8870
Motorola: A1200, A760, A768, A780, A835, C155, C168, C257, C261, C290, C350, C350M, C380, C385, C390, C450, C550, C650, C975, E1000, E1070, E365, E380, E398, E398B, E398i, E550, E680, E680i, E770, E770-Vodafone, E790, E815, i830, i850, i930, K1, KZRK K1, L2, L6, L6i, L7-Vodafone, L71, Motorola Q, Motorola Q Plus, MPX220, PEBL U6, Razr V3, RAZR V3a, RAZR V3m, Razr V3x, RAZR V3xx, RAZR V3xxv, RAZR V6, RAZR2 V8, RAZR2 V9, RAZR2 V9m, ROKR E1, ROKR E2, ROKR E6, SLVR L7, SLVR L7e, SLVR L7i, SLVR L9, T720, V1050, V1075, V171, V177, V180, V186, V188, V190, V191, V195, V197, V220, V235, V300, V303, V360, V360-Vodafone, V365, V3c, V3i, V3m, V3r, V3t, V3v, V3x-Vodafone, V400, V500, V505, V525, V525M, V535, V545, V547, V550, V551, V555, V557, V600, V600i, V620, V635, V690, V80, V975, V980, V980M, W220, W315, W375, W490, W510, Z3
NEC: N600
Nokia: 2355, 2610, 2626, 2630, 2650, 2760, 2855i, 2865, 2865i, 3100, 3105, 3110c, 3120, 3125, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3200, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3300, 3410, 3500, 3510, 3510i, 3530, 3586i, 3587, 3595, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5070, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5300, 5310 XpressMusic, 5500, 6010, 6015, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6060v, 6061, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103, 6108, 6111, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6133, 6151, 6155, 6165, 6165i, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6255i, 6260, 6265, 6265i, 6267, 6270, 6275i, 6280, 6288, 6300, 6310i, 6500c, 6500s, 6555, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610i, 6620, 6630, 6650, 6651, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6708, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7500, 7600, 7610, 7650, 7710, 8600 Luna, 8800, 8800 Sirocco, 8910i, 9210, 9290, 9300, 9500, E50, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, N70, N70-1, N71, N72, N73, N75, N77, N80-1, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95
O2: Ice
Orange: SPV, SPV C100, SPV C500, SPV C550, SPV C600, SPV C700, SPV e100, SPV E200
Panasonic: A210, SC3, VS2, VS3, VS6, X200P, X400, X400P, X500, X70
Pantech: PG-1400, PG-1410, PG-C300
Philips: 568, 588, 755, 756, 766, 768, 960, S890, S900
Qtek: 8100, 8500
QTEK: QTEK 7070, QTEK 8010, QTEK 8020, QTEK 8080, QTEK 8100, QTEK 8300, QTEK 8310, QTEK 8600
RoverPC: M1
Sagem: MY 302X, MY 301X, MY 400V, MY 400X, MY 401C, MY 401X, MY 401Z, MY 501C, MY 501X, MY 600v, MY 600x, MY 700X, MY C4-2, MY C5-2, MY C5-2 Vodafone, MY V-55, MY V-56, MY V-65, MY V-75, MY W-7, MY X-4, MY X-5-2T, MY X-6, MY X-7, MY X-8, MY X5-2, MY X5-2M, MY X6-2, MY Z-5, my411X, myX5-2v, Sagem myS-7
Samsung: A717, i300, i320, i320N, SCH A870, SGH A701, SGH A707, SGH C100, SGH C100G, SGH C130, SGH C140, SGH C160, SGH C170, SGH C200, SGH C207, SGH C207L, SGH C210, SGH C230, SGH C260, SGH C300, SGH C400, SGH C406, SGH C417, SGH D407, SGH D410, SGH D500, SGH D500C, SGH D500E, SGH D510, SGH D520, SGH D600, SGH D600E, SGH D720, SGH D800, SGH D807, SGH D820, SGH D830, SGH D836, SGH D840, SGH D900, SGH D900i, SGH E200, SGH E250, SGH E300, SGH E310, SGH E310C, SGH E315, SGH E316, SGH E330, SGH E330N, SGH E340, SGH E340E, SGH E350, SGH E350E, SGH E360, SGH E370, SGH E376, SGH E390, SGH E420, SGH E490, SGH E500, SGH E530, SGH E568, SGH E570, SGH E600, SGH E620, SGH E630, SGH E630C, SGH E690, SGH E700, SGH E710, SGH E715, SGH E720, SGH E728, SGH E730, SGH E736, SGH E760, SGH E780, SGH E800, SGH E808, SGH E810, SGH E820, SGH E830, SGH E840, SGH E870, SGH E878, SGH E890, SGH E898, SGH E900, SGH G600, SGH i300, SGH I320, SGH I607, SGH J600, SGH L760, SGH M600, SGH P200, SGH P300, SGH P310, SGH P400, SGH P510, SGH P777, SGH P850, SGH P900, SGH P906, SGH P910, SGH P920, SGH S300, SGH S300M, SGH S500, SGH T209, SGH T219, SGH T309, SGH T319, SGH T329, SGH T509, SGH T509S, SGH T519, SGH T609, SGH T619, SGH T629, SGH T729, SGH T809, SGH U600, SGH U700, SGH V200, SGH X100, SGH X100A, SGH X105, SGH X120, SGH X140, SGH X160, SGH X200, SGH X210, SGH X300, SGH X430, SGH X450, SGH X460, SGH X480, SGH X486, SGH X490, SGH X495, SGH X500, SGH X506, SGH X507, SGH X510, SGH X520, SGH X530, SGH X540, SGH X600, SGH X608, SGH X610, SGH X620, SGH X620C, SGH X630, SGH X636, SGH X640, SGH X640C, SGH X648, SGH X650, SGH X660, SGH X670, SGH X680, SGH X686, SGH X700, SGH X820, SGH X830, SGH Z107, SGH Z140, SGH Z170, SGH Z230, SGH Z240, SGH Z300, SGH Z370, SGH Z400, SGH Z400V, SGH Z500, SGH Z510, SGH Z530, SGH Z540, SGH Z560, SGH Z630, SGH Z720, SGH ZV10, SGH ZV40, SGH ZV50, SGH-i607, SPH A580, SPH A640, SPH A660, SPH A680, SPH A740, SPH A900, SPH A900P, SPH A920, SPH A940, SPH A960, SPH M500, SPH M510, SPH M610, SPH M620, Z130, Z150
Sanyo: S750, SCP-6600
Sendo: X
Sharp: 770SH, GX-L15, GX10, GX10i, GX15, GX17, GX20, GX22, GX25, GX29, GX30, GX30i, GXT15, TM100, TM150
Siemens: A31, A60, A65, A75, AL21, AP75, AX72, AX75, AX76, C55, C60, C62, C65, C65-Vodafone, C66, C72, C75, CF62, CF75, CF76, CX65, CX70, CX75, EF81, M50, M55, M56, M65, M75, MC60, ME75, MT50, S55, S57, S65, S75, SK65, SL42, SL45, SL55, SL65, SL75, ST60, SX1
Sony-Ericsson: D750, D750i, F500i, J200i, J210i, J220i, J230i, J300a, J300i, K200i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K310a, K310i, K320i, K500i, K508, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K530i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, K810i, K850i, M600i, P1i, P800, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S500i, S700, S700i, S710a, T226, T230, T250i, T290a, T290i, T610, T616, T630, T637, T650i, T68, V600, V600i, V630i, W200a, W200i, W300, W300i, W550c, W550i, W580i, W600c, W600i, W610i, W660i, W700i, W710i, W800c, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W830i, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W900i, W910i, W950i, Z1010, Z200, Z300i, Z310i, Z310iv, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i, Z550a, Z550i, Z558i, Z600, Z610i, Z710i, Z800
T-Mobile: MDA Dash, MDA Mail, SDA, SDA (US name), SDA II, SDA Music
Tatung: M1
VK Mobile: VK4000
Vodafone: v1210, v1240, VDA II, VDA IV
Download to Mobile via WAP: Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 7482
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JAD file (RemotePC2.jad)
JAR file (RemotePC2.jar)